Women’s News Friday, 6 September

2024 Women’s Charity Day:  Charity Day was a huge success, starting with the weather, the golf, but most of all it was so successful due to the generosity of you, the golfing women of North Ryde Golf Club, the men who willingly supported the raffle, the club itself and the community who gave prizes so thoughtfully. It was inspiring to hear James Gribbles, founder of Empower Golf, talk about what it has meant to him and his fellow impaired golfers to be supported and encouraged to participate in life through a love of the game of golf. 


Women’s AGM: The Annual General Meeting of the Women’s Committee will be held on Thursday, 3 October 2024 at 7pm. Nomination forms for all committee positions are on the noticeboard in the locker room, or they can be downloaded from this link

More committee members are desperately needed as three members are standing down this year. Please consider giving a little of your time to volunteer on next year’s committee. Please place your completed nomination form in the blue locked box in the locker room.

Closing date for nominations is Thursday 26th September 2024.

Women’s Sunday Handicap Pennants:  
Game 1– Sunday, 25 August was the first round of a 5 round competition. Our team of six players won all 6 games against Bonnie Doon at Warringah. The team consisted of Fiona Montgomery, Philippa Ternes, Karen Psaltis, Angela Café, Judy Ro and Misuk Lee. What a great start and a fantastic result for the start for our team representing North Ryde in the Women’s Sunday Handicap Pennants. 

Game 2 – Sunday Handicap Pennants event on Sunday, 1 September was held at Randwick. The team played Lakeside, unfortunately we lost 3 1/2 games to 2 1/2, a close match played in very windy and difficult conditions. The players were Fiona Montgomery, Angela Café, Karen Psaltis, Judy Ro, Karol Hwang and Misuk Lee. 

Wishing our Team all the best for this Sunday’s match.

Kathy Coales – Team Manager


Veteran’s Notes

Reminder of our upcoming events: 

Veteran’s Invitation Day: On Thursday, 26 September, the sheets are on the bench in our locker room.  Teams of four with 2 scores to count, in 2 divisions, Straightest Drives & NTP’s in 2 divisions for members & visitor.  Please print your name on the sheets and remember to enter the full golflink number of your visitor for computer purposes.  Cost $25 in an envelope with your NAMES & placed in the Veteran’s Box on the bench by the 24th September.  Join us for a fun & friendly day.

VWGA of NSW Championships: On Monday the 30th September, the sheets are also on the bench in the locker room for this event.  Division 1 play Stroke, Division 2, 3, 4 play Stableford.  Cost $52 with a refund of $45 from our Club after the event.  The closing date is Tuesday, 17 September.  Money in an envelope with your NAME & placed in the Veteran’s Box.  Please let us know if you have paid on line as we don’t want to pay twice.

Marlene Peters – Women Veteran’s Delegate

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