Women’s Report 18 October 2024

The AGM of the Playing Women Members was held on Thursday, 3 October 2024 with the following women elected unopposed.

The new 2024-2025 Women’s Committee is:  President Eve Sheppard, Vice President Michelle Williams, Captain Lynn Wells, Vice-Captain Alice Wei, Vice President (Weekend) Kathy Coales, Secretary Lynne Jackson, General Committee Kerry Attenborough (Pennant’s Coordinator), Elizabeth Sung, Kath Clark, Connie Iong and Sue Mezger.

Barbara Evennett, Judy Edmiston and Carmen Fife have retired from the committee. At the AGM they were thanked for the enormous contribution that each of them have made and presented with flowers and well wishes.

The Annual Captain’s team vs President’s team competition was on Tuesday, 8 October with the President’s team being crowned the victors. Congratulations to the members of the winning team for 2024. Thanks to Marcia Anderson, the members of the Captain’s team were consoled by home-made rocky road. For those of you who played in the Presidents team, there is a golf ball as your prize. If you did not get one last week, please see one of the committee.

Women’s Club Championships:  The Women’s Club Championships have begun with Round 1 played on Tuesday, 15 October.  The 3rd and 4th rounds are a seeded draw for all divisions, for the top twelve players only in each division.  On the Notice Board in the Women’s Locker Room you will see those who have indicated that they wish to qualify and play on both Sunday’s (27 October & 3 November) we barely have enough qualifiers.  Please check the list and let me know if I have left anyone off. 

Players who do qualify and are drawn to play on Sunday in the Club Championships and who do not appear for both Sunday rounds, unless very exceptional circumstances exist, will be suspended from competition golf for three weeks.

Representing North Ryde Golf Club: On Tuesday, October 15 Lorraine Taylor and Jacky Smithson represented North Ryde Golf Club at the Golf NSW Keno Let’s Play Ambrose REGIONAL FINAL at Oak Point Golf Club (ne Liverpool). They had a great result and finished in 5th place.

Melbourne Cup, Tuesday, 5 November:  The round for the day will be an Irish Team Stableford with Best 2 scores to count and with a shot gun start at 8am. You will book and pay online.

There will be a Presentation downstairs in the Halfway Bar shortly after the completion of the round and then you are encouraged to join upstairs for the Melbourne Cup festivities, either in the Sports Bar, Club Lounge or by booking a table in the restaurant, Eats on Twin.

The Melbourne Cup telecast will be in all bars with food upstairs and available throughout the afternoon.

Trophies:  As we are approaching Presentation Day (Tuesday, 26 November) could you return all trophies. They can be given to a committee member or left at the door of the committee room.

Donations for Christmas Hampers: We will be delighted to accept any donations for the Hampers from now on. Thank you

Lynn Wells – Women’s Captain and Eve Sheppard – Women’s President

Women Vet’s Report

The VWGA of NSW played their Metropolitan Championships at North Ryde on Monday, 30 September with 65 players taking part from 16 Sydney Golf Clubs.

North Ryde did very well. Congratulations to our 7 winners & they are as follows.

  • 1st Division was won by Helen Lee with 85 scratch.
  • Runner-up was Alison Stubbs with 87 scratch.
  • 2nd  Division was won by Kerry Attenborough with 35 pts.
  • 3rd  Division Runner-up was Sandra Bates with 34 pts.
  • 4th Division was won by Aekyung Yim with 33pts.
  • Runner-up was Marlene Peters with 31 pts c/b.
  • Senior Veteran Nett Trophy was won by Cheryl Ward with 72 nett.

Congratulations once again to all – it a wonderful day in the Club

Marlene Peters

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